Felix Berner is a promising interdisciplinary designer, filmmaker and digital artist. As a videographer and filmmaker, he decided to take on the challenge of creating his own fan film based on the hit 2012 film DREDD. Due to the post-apocalyptic sci-fi settings of the original film, Berner required 3D sets and additional effects for his production.
Warex 3D supported Berner to recreate detailed scenes where an entire city needed to be designed to achieve a visual look similar to the original film. In addition, scenes were created where a motorcycle circulated through a night city with the original design of the film. The final result left Berner very satisfied with Warex 3D's work
Warex 3D performed a thorough analysis of the Dredd movie images to ensure a similar visual appearance. He designed an entire city meticulously following the original designs and created scenes of a motorcycle riding through a night city with the original design from the film, which presented an additional challenge. Overall, Felix Berner was very satisfied with the work done by Warex 3D.